Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Eating and Sleeping

We had to say sad goodbyes to Grandma and Grandpa this morning — may they have a safe and uneventful journey back to Raleigh! As Ellie put it, "Grandma and Grandpa are leaving. That makes me really, really sad. But when Nana comes, I'll be happy again!" So come quickly, Nana! We look forward to seeing her tomorrow and hope we can survive on our own for one whole day.

Isla's theory on life seems to be that eating and sleeping are the primary activities one needs to be concerned with. Mostly sleeping. Oh yeah, and eating. And then sleeping. Plus a little pooing, of course. So while one expects a newborn to lose a bit of weight at first and then gain it back by about day 10-14, Isla seems to have managed to gain 13 ounces in the first 7 days. Conserve energy...wake only enough to eat...then go back to sleep. Rules for living.

Of course, if you want to sleep and pretend to eat simultaneously, the thumb comes in very handy.

But here's proof that there are eyes behind those lids. And what a cutie she is.


Blogger Karen said...

How do ever stop smooching on those pudgy little cheeks?? She is precious, precious.

And oh my word, it absolutely makes my day to see her wearing her gowns! I'm so happy that they fit and that you like them. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing pictures.

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She look alot like Ellie!

Rebeca Kelso

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Love, said...

Hey crystal and rob!!

congrats on the beautiful baby girl!!

We love and miss you all!!!

and can't wait to meet Isla!

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Andee said...

I wish I could be there to hold her. I would even change a poopy diaper!

3:09 AM  

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