Introducing Isla Frances Barrett
It was an amazing experience to bring our younger daughter home to meet Ellie. I think this picture gives you a slight taste of Ellie's excitement as Crystal extracts her from the car seat.
But I suppose I should digress for a moment to give you her name! “Isla Frances Barrett”. Crystal had fallen for the name Isla some months ago and, knowing her husband, thought it wise to introduce me to it well ahead of the decision time. She knows it takes me awhile to adjust to new and different things. It's a Scottish name, derived from the "Isle of Islay", known as "the queen of the Hebrides" — a series of islands off the west coast of Scotland. (You can read about the island on Wikipedia or see a picture there.) You pronounce her name "eye-luh", or just imagine singing the last line of the Gilligan's Island theme song with a but of an "uh" at the end. Don't worry — you'll get the hang of it. We think it's a beautiful name and that it goes well with "Ellie".
Anyway — on with the pictures! Here are a couple of Ellie's first time holding Isla.

Then it was Grandma and Grandpa's turn, though Ellie couldn't be kept away!

And of course, one of the whole (newly enlarged) happy family. (Maybe it's time to replace the picture on the home page of our website, which was taken during our engagement!)

There were a few landmark events on this Isla's second day: first night at home, first overflowingly poopy nappy, first midwife's visit, first non-family visitor, and first time in the bouncy seat (she much prefers human contact).
I thought I'd add this one last shot my dad took on our pre-Isla trip to the London Aquarium of the city skyline across the Thames.

The second picture made me cry. So thrilled for all of you; it's wonderful to see! Welcome Isla!
Love Sarah
Congratulations! What a lovely name for a lovely little girl!
lovely name. Can't wait to meet her.
Amy from Christchurch
What sweet pictures! Ellie clearly adores her baby sister. We're so happy for all of you! May God bless you much!
Rob & Crystal,
Congratulations on the wonderful new addition to your family!
That is so exciting! I love the name. Keep posting the pictures.
Oh Crystal! She is so lovely and I am so thankful that you shared this link with me! Isla is a beautiful baby!
What an honor to see her wearing one of her pretty little gowns. Sooo special!
Best wishes!!!
Ohhh! Love the name (and thanks for the pronunciation guide!) Congratulations...
Laurie for all the Cavins
I just came across this. My Isla was born April 15th 2007!
Belated congratulations on your lovely daughter and her lovely name.
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