Saturday, May 14, 2005


If yesterday was about the art of persuasion, then today is about renegotiations. Things seemed to be happening yesterday evening – painful contractions being the most significant. But yet again, I went to bed thinking we’d be getting up in a few hours to head to the hospital only to have things stall out around 5:30. Sigh. Today we’re trying to convince my uterus to come off strike. We’ve just returned from a nice walk that prompted a good squeeze or two, but nothing terribly exciting so far. We’ll let you know when mutually agreed upon terms have been reached and my uterus decides to evict it’s little tenant.


Anonymous Becky Priest said...

I can't wait for the email that announces the birth and then talks about how you'll now go and try to get some sleep! I agree wtih Ruth's post from yesterday. Who knows, with the membrane stripping, you could be at the hospital as I type!
--Becky Priest

12:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony and I are anxiously waiting to see little Bunny. I agree with the 3 hots theory especially the hot sex. I have seen quite a few come in L&D in labor after that so am beginning to think there is some truth in that
Anne Alaniz

3:16 PM  

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