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  • About Anne: Anne grew up in Malawi, Africa, one of the poorest countries in the world. She grew up wanting to be a doctor, but that dream was far from realistic. But when she was brought to Texas by a missionary, she became a gynecologic oncologist, and uses the money she makes to help the people back in Africa.
  • About Pothawira: Anne started Pothawira Village, an orphanage, clinic, school, and birthing center. She has helped the people of Malawi in many ways, from saving countless lives at the clinic, to the 128 orphans at the orphanage! She sends money, clothes, and many other things to Malawi, while her mother and father run Pothawira in Malawi.
  • About Our Trip: We were fortunate enough to go to Malawi last summer, and saw everything she has done with our own eyes! It was a truly exceptional experience! We met the orphans of Pothawira, who felt so happy and lucky to be there. They showed us around their most prized possession, their school, and showed off their home in Pothawira. They loved to show us all of the things they had, but we couldn’t help notice all the things they didn’t have. They seemed quite happy, but we couldn’t help but think how much more they would enjoy themselves if they had more games, toys, and things to knit, sew, and make. We taught a sewing class, and they loved it! If they could do more things like that, they would be so much happier!
  • How YOU Can Help: Please donate money to Pothawira, by going to … The money will be sent to Anne, and she will use it to buy clothes, toys, medical supplies, and more to help Pothawira!
  • Links to the Official Pothawira Website: Pothawira at The Global Orphan Project Mizzou for Malawi